Cosmetic Dentist – Edison, NJ

Make Your Ideal Smile Real


Woman seeing her smile in mirror after cosmetic dentistry in Edison

Cosmetic dentistry is an area of dentistry that focuses on the aesthetics of the teeth and overall smile. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth because you have discoloration, gaps, chips, or unevenly shaped or sized teeth, we can help you transform your smile into one that you’re proud to show off.

Many cosmetic dentistry treatments also offer restorative benefits in that you can repair damage and restore the structure of your teeth while ensuring that your restorations look natural.

Contact us at One Dental New Jersey today to schedule a consultation for cosmetic dentistry in Edison with Dr. Shefat Rabbi today.



Senior woman in dental chair admiring her smile in mirror

At your consultation, Dr. Shefat Rabbi will assess any damage to your teeth or signs of tooth decay and gum disease. These issues may need to be treated with restorative procedures before you can get cosmetic dentistry treatments.


Smiling woman sitting patiently in dental chair

After you discuss your concerns with your smile and what you would like to improve, Dr. Shefat Rabbi can develop a customized treatment plan that will address these concerns which will fall into your budget and scheduling needs.


Woman in dental chair wearing nitrous oxide sedation dentistry mask

Before we begin with your treatment, we will always administer a local anesthetic before using any invasive tools like dental drills. We also offer various forms of sedation dentistry if you are nervous. Let us know ahead of time if you would like to be sedated for your appointment.


Woman shaking hands with dental team member

After you’ve consented to the treatment plan and determined whether or not you want to be sedated, we can move forward with scheduling your first appointment and will inform you if any follow-up appointments will be necessary. We will explore your payment options at this time.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment Options

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Woman placing take home teeth whitening tray in her mouth

As opposed to in-office whitening, take-home teeth whitening can be performed from the comfort of your own home! This gives you more flexibility to multi-task and is a great option for patients who have more sensitive teeth. This is because the concentration of peroxide is much lower.

However, the same results can be achieved but will build up more gradually. You will come in to have impressions taken of your teeth so we can have custom whitening trays fabricated for you to wear.

Within a few weeks, they’ll be ready to pick up along with your whitening gel and written instructions. You will apply the whitening gel to the trays and place them over your teeth. The instructions will tell you how long to wear them each day, and it can take about 1-2 weeks to complete your treatment.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Woman getting in office teeth whitening from cosmetic dentist

An in-office teeth whitening treatment will produce drastic and instant results up to 10 shades lighter in a single hour-long session! This makes it ideal for special occasions like dances, weddings, formal photographs, or business opportunities.

You will sit in a dental chair and we will place a cheek retractor in your mouth to keep your mouth open and prevent the whitening agent from touching your gums. A protective gel is also applied to the soft tissues to protect them from irritation.

A peroxide-based whitening gel is then applied to your teeth and activated with UV light. This is done on all of the teeth and takes about an hour, then the whitening solution is rinsed away. For severe discoloration, you may require multiple sessions.

Dental Bonding, Shaping, & Contouring

Close up of dental patient getting their teeth treated with dental bonding

Have you ever wished you could change the shape or size of your teeth? Now you can! Tooth contouring involves removing a small amount of tooth enamel from your teeth to achieve a certain aesthetic.

If teeth are too long, sharp, or round, we can change this by filing and contouring the tooth into the desired shape. Tooth contouring and bonding are often used in conjunction to achieve the ultimate smile transformation.

Dental bonding involves rebuilding the tooth with a composite resin material that matches the shade of your natural teeth and is used to fill in chips, cracks, gaps, and make the teeth look bigger or different.


Young woman getting dental veneers from cosmetic dentist

Dental veneers are porcelain shells that are bonded to the front-facing surface of your teeth to create the appearance of perfectly uniform, aesthetic teeth. They are usually placed on the front 6 teeth that show when you smile.

Veneers are used to cover cosmetic imperfections such as discoloration, crooked, chipped, or cracked teeth as well as gaps and teeth that are weirdly shaped or too small. They can last for up to 15 years.

Because we need to file down your natural enamel to bond veneers to your teeth, you should understand that this is a permanent and irreversible procedure.


Dentist holding row of Lumineers to a patient's smile

Lumineers are very similar to veneers with one major difference. They are typically less than half of the thickness of a standard veneer, which is only about as thick as a contact lens. The unique porcelain material used for Lumineers is very thin, yet still durable.

Because they are so thin, Lumineers can often be placed without removing any of your natural enamel. This means that, unlike traditional veneers, Lumineers can be removed. However, since they are thinner, they are not right for all patients and their needs.

Smile Makeovers

Close up of smile with straight white teeth

If you have multiple concerns with your smile that you think may require multiple treatments, a smile makeover may be the best option for you. This is a personalized treatment plan that combines whatever necessary cosmetic dentistry treatments it takes to achieve your ultimate smile aesthetic that fits your budget.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

What dental issues can cosmetic dentistry solve?

Cosmetic dentistry can solve just about any dental issue that is related to the appearance of your teeth. Teeth whitening is obviously used to treat stained teeth and can help you look younger. Dental bonding, shaping, and contouring can repair misshapen and uneven teeth, or treat minor tooth damage, such as chips or breaks. Dental crowns are occasionally used for cosmetic purposes, too. Treatments as versatile as veneers or Lumineers can often be used to treat all the previously mentioned issues as well as correcting gaps between teeth, more severe tooth staining, and slightly crooked or crowded teeth.

Am I a good candidate for cosmetic dental treatments?

As long as your teeth and gums are healthy and you’re free of any major orthodontic issues, you’re likely a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

On the other hand, cosmetic treatment is not right for you if you have oral health problems like gum disease or cavities, or if you have major issues with the alignment of your teeth or jaw. You’ll need restorative care or orthodontic treatment to resolve these problems before you can get cosmetic dental treatment. But often, restorative care and orthodontics can give you a healthier and more beautiful smile.  

Can I get more than one cosmetic dental procedure done at the same time?

Yes. While this does depend on the type of treatment that’s right for you, it’s quite common to have multiple cosmetic dental procedures done at the same time. Dental bonding and enameloplasty, for example, are often done in the same appointment. Ask your cosmetic dentist in Edison, NJ for more information, and to find out if you can have multiple procedures done at once.

Is cosmetic dentistry covered by dental insurance?

It’s rare for cosmetic dentistry to be covered by dental insurance. These procedures are often listed as elective and not necessary to the health of your smile. In some cases, your insurance may cover a portion of the cost of treatments like cosmetic crowns or veneers, but this is not common. In most cases, you will need to pay for treatment out-of-pocket. Contact your insurer for more details on your dental insurance coverage. Then contact our practice to see if we have any available discounts or payment plans to help you cover treatment.